Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Pronunciation Task: Silent letters from A to Z

Silent letters from A to Z 
A - artistically, logically, musically, romantically
B - comb, climb, debt, plumber, tomb, subtle, dumb, bomb, doubt, numb, thumb, womb
C - acquire, muscle
CH - yacht
D - Wednesday
E - bridge, clothes
G - align, reign
GH - right, drought, eight, weigh
H - choir, hour, honour, honest, rhyme, rhythm, thyme 
I - business, parliament
KN -words, the k is silent: know, knot, knee, knife, knight, knock
L - calm, folk, salmon, talk, walk, could, should, would, folk, half, calf
M - mnemonic
N - autumn, chimney, column, damn, government, solemn
P - coup, cupboard, pneumonia, psalm, raspberry, receipt
S - aisle, island, debris, isle
T - listen, whistle, wrestle, mortgage 
TH - asthma
W - who, whole, write, wrong,  two, sword, wrist, answer
X - faux
Z - rendezvous